• Zu sehen ist die Verpackung und Beschriftung unseres Produkts, dem Neem Pulver in 100gr, in einem elektrischem blau und lila.
  • Zu sehen ist die Verpackung und Beschriftung unseres Produkts, dem Neem Pulver in 250gr, in einem elektrischem blau und lila.
  • Unser gras-grünes Neem Pulver wird abgebildet, zusammen mit grafischen Illustrationen mit weißer Schrift und dem Logo von reeleef.
  • Unter anderem sind unsere in der Natur wachsenden Neem Bäume und Neem Blätter zu sehen. Zudem sieht man blaue Schrift und das reeleef Logo.
  • Eine azurblaue Infografik, die kreisförmige Icons zeigt. Diese werden in weißer Schrift erklärt.
  • Neem Pulver Vergleich von reeleef und anderen Anbietern.
  • Unsere glücklichen Mitarbeiter sitzend auf eienem Transporter in der Natur. Am Himmel sind Wolken zu erkennen.

Vegan Neem powder from Neem leaves, pure & high quality, without additives

Regular price
Tax included.
Free shipping on orders over €29.95
  • Neem from our own production
  • High quality of neem by eliminating middlemen
  • 100% Neem Leaf Powder
  • Versatile application

The powder allows the neem to be used in many different ways.

We useno dyesThe rich green color of the powder is natural and a sign of the high quality of our neem leaves.

OurNeemPowder comesfrom controlled home cultivation in ParaguayThis means we have the entire value chain in view and can therefore guarantee a high quality of the Neem powder.

TheProduction and processingThis always takes place under strict safety standards.

The powder is a purpose-neutral raw material.


Neem from Paraguay

Our neem comes from our own organic-certified farm in Paraguay! There we plant neem trees as part of a reforestation project in order to bind CO2 from the atmosphere. In this way we breathe new life into barren pastures and counteract climate change.

High quality of neem

First, the neem leaves are carefully harvested by hand. From the fields they go directly to the specially built factory, where the neem leaves are first washed, gently dried and then ground. The entire process is certified according to laboratory standards. The neem powder is then filled into large bags and transported to Germany, where it is filled into the package for you.

Neem is very popular in India

Neem is often used there because it has a wide range of applications.

Recommended intake

Neem has many uses. How exactly? Here are a few examples!

  • In thetoothpaste:
  1. approx. 50 g virgin organic coconut oil
  2. 1 – 2 dropsNeem powder
  3. 1 drop of organic clove oil or crush clove in a mortar (not suitable for pregnant women)
  4. 1 – 2 tsp xylitol, depending on how sweet you like it

Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

  • As part of aHair mask
  1. 2 tablespoons neem tree powder.
  2. 3 tablespoons argan oil
  3. 3 tablespoons jojoba oil

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. The dough should be neither too liquid nor too solid.

Apply to all dry hair, massaging the scalp well and spreading the product down to the ends. Massaging stimulates blood circulation, promoting hair growth and regulating sebum production.

Leave for 30 minutes

Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then wash your hair with a natural shampoo.


Store closed in a cool, dry place. Protect from moisture, heat and direct light.


Neem should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Keep out of the reach of children.

  • Vegan, gluten & gelatin free

  • Production & filling of the bags in Germany

  • Neem from our organic certified farm in Paragauy

  • Free from contamination

  • Full control over the value chain in Paraguay

  • Without additives


Only the best for you! High product quality is important to us - it's good that we have full control over it! Our neem powder comes from our organic-certified farm in Paraguay. We plant neem trees there as part of a reforestation project.

Because we carry out every step of the value chain internally - from growing the neem tree seedlings to processing the neem leaves - we have a complete overview of the individual processes and can therefore guarantee the highest quality at every step.

The capsules are produced and bottled in Germany, the latter also applies to our Neem powder!

Die Äste der Neem Pflanze sind zu sehen, im Hintergrund der blaue Himmel.


Neem tree, village pharmacy, noble tree, Azadirachte indica - there are many names for the neem tree. It is an evergreen tree that is found mainly on the Indian subcontinent.

What makes it so special are the many chemical compounds that the tree contains and which people use, especially in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. In addition, the neem tree withstands extreme weather conditions and thus copes well in dry and rain-poor climates.